Saturday, March 8, 2008

More warlock macros

I am a sucker for macros to save key space, and my warlock Paynne has quite a few of them for her most common spells.

I know there are addons and stuff like that to help out with many of these things but I like fiddling around with the macros, trying to make them work :-)

#showtooltip Banish
/focus [harm, modifier:shift]
/clearfocus [target=focus, dead]
/cast [target=focus, harm] Banish

You target the mob you want to banish and click the macro while pressing down SHIFT to set your focus to this mob and banish it, all in one click. If you just want to set the focus to be prepared, if you are not ready for the pull yet or something, just jump after you have clicked the macro to cancel the spellcasting. Click the macro again (without SHIFT) and you will Banish the focused mob, regardless if you have any other mob currently targeted, like the skull mark perhaps.

The white glow around the Infernal portrait shows that it is my current focus and pressing my macro will keep banishing him.

When the mob dies, the focus is cleared and you can chose another focus if you like.

This macro also works well when you want to Enslave something, (provided of course that you replace the Banish with Enslave Demon in the macro ;P)

Pet Attack/Follow
Have you ever had that horrible sinking feeling in your gut when you see your minion storming up to a mob with his/her axe/whip/whatever raised, pulling way too soon and maybe even wiping the group/raid? And you realise that you have accidentally clicked the wrong key, perhaps left-clicked instead of right-clicked when you were being a good warlock and turning off your Felguard's Cleave to not risk breaking any CC?

If you ever experience something like that, this might be useful to you: I have mapped the Attack and Follow commands to a macro, and placed it on my Q key for easy access.

/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]
/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]

Press Q once to attack, click it again to make your minion come back.

Paynne also has a macro for the most common DoT-sequence that she uses when grinding or farming

/castsequence reset=combat/target Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption

When the target dies the castsequence resets so you always start with Immolate on a new target (or whichever DoT you want to start with).

(For some more warlock macros see my earlier post Demonic macros)

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