Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yet another alt

Ok, now I have done I officially have an alt of every class there is.

Well, I actually have two mages for some odd reason, so this means I have ten chars that I more or less actively play on.

The last one is my dwarf hunter Szorcha. She started life as Szorcha, the dwarf paladin, got to about lvl 17 but she was dreadfully boring to play. Now the paladin is deleted and reborn as Szorcha, the hunter.

And what is the defining characteristic of a hunter? That's right, they have pets.

My husband has a blood elf hunter on Outland, and he got himself one of the bats of Eversong Woods as his first pet, and he named him Kalle. Now Kalle is a cool pet and everytime we visit our BE alts Kalle grows bigger and bigger.

So when the time came for Szorcha to get her first pet of course she wanted a bat. Only problem was, the bats that are tameable for a lvl 10 reside in the Horde territory far north in the Eastern Kingdoms...the very same woods where my husband's BE tamed his pet.

And those woods are very far away from the safe (well, comparatively safe) environs of Dun Morogh where Szorcha has been hunting up til now.

But shame thee of the weak heart - difficulties are there to be overcome and so she did. She ran all the way up through the high lvl areas, dying quite a few times from nasty mobs and even nastier gankers who couldn't let a little lowbie hunter run around happily unbothered.

During the final stretches, through Eastern and Western Plaguelands and into the Eversong Woods my husband escorted her on his lvl 70 warrior to keep her alive, and then she got herself a pretty bat as her first real pet of her own.

<3 Kalle!

Very nice it was that the Zul'Aman sported both a flight point and repair vendor, so in 60 lvls when she will go for her first raid there with her Kalle-bat, she will already have the fp ;P

Type rest of the post here

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