Tessy was my first char in WoW, a human female rogue and thus she started her career as a young newbie running around in Northshire Abbey.
More by chance than by actual planning she picked up Leatherworking and Skinning as her professions, and also Fishing, Cooking and First Aid.
Back then, the game was new to me and I actually spoke to every (and I do mean every) NPC I found, read all the quest texts carefully and generally explored a lot.
I was no richer than anyone else but I got lucky and looted two blue items from the spiders in Duskwood while out questing there one night, and managed to sell them at the AH for a hefty amount of gold (something like 30 gold apiece if I remember correctly). Suddenly Tessy was rich and she had no problem getting enough more gold for her mount once she dinged 40. (It must be true what they say, it isn't necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It's only necessary to be rich ;P)
Well, to be truthful, a contributing factor to Tessy's wealth was probably my habit of getting along on quest gear or looted items. The times I bought new gear on the AH were easily counted.
I travelled all around the world to find her a Black Stallion, the vendor at the logging camp in Elwynn was out of them but I found one in Menethil Harbor. It was a happy Tessy riding around just for fun the rest of that night :-)
Tessy also was my first char to ding 60. This she did back in the old misty pre-TBC days, so she actually got to explore a bit of the end-game content there, albeit briefly, with some pugs for Molten Core and Zul'Gurub.
Never been that much of a fan of world pvp, but at 60 I discovered that pvp in Alterac Valley can be quite fun, actually. Tessy managed to get the distinguished title of Sergeant Major (rank 5 of 14) in the old honor system, which is not that bad for a type 11-pvp'er.
And when TBC hit, Tessy was my first char to go through the portal. She was not the first to ding 70 though, my druid Joaquime got the honour of doing that, but she did get there eventually.
Tessy stayed with the Leatherworking and Skinning, and spent many hours committing mass extinction on the Clefthoofs in Nagrand to skill up those last 10 points in her LW with the Heavy Clefthoof Leggings that turned yellow at 365 and Heavy Clefthoof Vest that turned yellow at 370. Ah, that was a skill-up grind of the good old hard school, not for today's weakling leatherworkers who get a truckload of easy new patterns to skill-up on.
She has maxed out her Fishing and Cooking and gathered all cooking recipes that she can lay her hands on, includng the ones for pets. Tessy's Catering, anyone?
She has been subtlety specced ever since Shadowstep was introduced, I just fell in love with that sweet talent (and it was a major disappointment that it got a little nerfed in a later patch!).
Back in the old days she was heavy into the Combat tree, but she has never really liked Assassin, so maybe it's time to try that out again.
Current goals
I haven't played Tessy very much and she could use improvement in pretty much every area, but the most prioritised would be
- Getting revered with Cenarion Expedition for the Glyph of Ferocity. Check!
- Getting 1 Primal Nether to make the Primalstrike Belt and 2 more to make the Primalstrike Vest. I will probably wait til 2.4 gets live and buy me the Nethers from the AH then, since I very rarely run a heroic with Tess. Check!
And let's not forget her epic flyer - she still doesn't have that! Only need about 5 k gold more and then she will soar through the skies!
Armory link for Tessy
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Upplagd av
9:03 PM
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