Fourth one out was Jools, the Night Elf priest. There seemed to be a perpetual shortage of healers, so I figured a priest could be useful. Ironically though, she levelled by solo playing and a heavy Discipline spec, moved into Shadow at around 67 and never really turned to the healing way until she had been 70 for quite a while.
I did do some talent reshuffling at around 65 or so, when I went as far down the Holy tree as the Spirit of Redemption, and about this time I was asked to heal in a pug for one of the Auchindoun dungeons. I reluctantly agreed, telling them I was Disc specced and not used to healing, but they didn’t heed my warnings…
It was a rather messy pug, seemed like all dps wanted to have a target of their own and not let the tank build aggro and such things, and of course I failed miserably at both staying alive and keeping the rest alive. Spreading my heals over the entire group created so much healing aggro that the mobs went straight for my little made-of-glass elf priest and smashed her to pieces. And when she died the blue-white angel appeared and I watched the rest of the group go down. As we ran back to the instance one of the party members kindly asked me “You do know you can heal while in angel form, right?”. Eeh, right, of course I do. Now I do. Thank you for reminding me of this…
The Disc spec is not that bad for healing, really, and I think if I had been doing this today it wouldn’t have been as catastrophic as it was then, I have a lot more of healing practice and more tuned reflexes now (and I have read some of the excellent articles of the Egotistical Priest, which gave me a lot more confidence in my healing). Still, that run deterred me from trying to heal for a long time.
Like I said, Jools is truly madly deeply Holy now, she even has the 41-pt talent Circle of Healing even though she is currently not raiding anymore, but I really love that one. I miss the Improved Divine Spirit and the Reflective Shield from the Disc Tree but the fun although questionable usefulness of Circle of Healing is too good to pass.
I really enjoyed her stint in the Shadow Tree as well, and may go back to that someday. Not for survivability or damage, she is pretty tough on her own as she is, Holy in her max spell damage gear, but just for a change, maybe for some BG weekend or something.
She is Exalted with the Scryers for the neat shoulder enchant, Greater Inscription of the Oracle, and she is working her way to Exalted with many, many, many other factions...
Jools started out as an enchanter and miner, and she spent much of her levelling solo grinding rep with different factions for their enchanting recipes, like Timbermaw, Thorium Brotherhood
Unlike many of my fellow enchanters, I didn’t find the skilling up that much of a pain and she maxed it out at 375 just a few weeks after hitting 70 if I recall correctly.
At level 51 or so I dropped mining, got her trained in Jewelcrafting and powerleveled that to 300 or so in a week. Expensive, expensive, expensive... She had about 2 k gold that she had made selling enchantment mats and I blew them all skilling up that JC of hers, and I didn’t even get it maxed out! But after a few more weeks of Jewelcrafting she did reach 375 and started collecting those damn expensive designs.
Current goals
Jools was a faction rep grinder to start with and she still is, since many of the sweet designs and formulas require Exalted status.
- About 13 k more rep to get Exalted with the Sha’tar for the Threat on gloves enchant
- About 18 k more rep to get Exalted with Honor Hold for the Subtlety on back enchant
- About 12 k more rep to get Exalted with the Violet Eye for the Agility on weapon enchant
- About 15 k more rep to get Exalted with the Keepers of Time for the Agility on gloves enchant
- About 15 k more rep to get Exalted with the Consortium for the Agility meta gem
- And of course collect Badges of Justice...
Like Tessy, Jools does not yet have an epic flier and I sure would like to get her one, but my gold farming has been on hold lately and with one char just dinged 60 (Dizzie) and another coming up there real soon (Larue) my gold is currently going to epic riders for them instead of fast birds for my 70’s.
Might be just as well, because I still haven’t decided which kind of bird she will have – Joaquime has her pretty purple flight form, Paynne has her green Nether Ray, and Tessy will have a Blue or Red Swift Gryphon. I was thinking of maybe a Cenarion War Hippogryph for Jools, but that will add one more rep grind to her already very long list…
Armory link for Jools
(She may be logged out in her spell damage gear)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Upplagd av
9:06 PM
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