I need a goal to play. I need something tangible to aim for and I need to see that I am getting there. Before TBC came out I hit 60 with my rogue and pretty much stopped playing with her. No more getting xp = no more fun. Went to the occasional pug raid but not much else, and started leveling my alts instead.
Nowadays, I think gearing up is pretty fun too, so I actually play with my 70's even though they are not getting any xp.
But the other day I didn't know what to do anymore, all out of ideas and shiny things to aim for.
My druid has pretty much the best tanking gear she's gonna get without having to start doing 25-man's. She needs the t4 gloves and helm from kara but everything else is really just sidegrades and really not worth the copious amount of effort to try to replace.
I can't decide how to do with my priest, holy, disc, shadow, a mix? She's got a lot of shadow gear and her healing gear is atrocious so I am saving up for the whitemend set for her, but other than that? Get some gladiator gear? Nah, not sure what to get and I don't feel like bg'ing a lot.
My warlock is kinda hibernating atm, mostly use her to fly around on her pretty nether ray and mine ore nodes to sell for gold.
So what to do?
Stop playing WoW and go for a break? Naaah how am I ever gonna pass all that time that I usually spend in Azeroth, I'd go mad with so much time on my hands ;P
I know - the universal solution! An alt!
And just to improve things, I pulled not one but two of my low lvls out of their beauty sleep - my little gnome warrior Dizzie and the obligatory draenei shaman started when everyone and their grandmother made an ally shaman the day after TBC came out.
So Dizzie went around an explored and is currently the distinguished lvl of 44. Larue, my baby shaman is now lvl 27 and going higher at breakneck speed.
Leveling is really so much faster than it used to be, and I think my two new little babies will hit Outland in a month or two, and then I have even more girls to gear up - what to do then? Hmm, a new alt maybe....
Monday, December 17, 2007
Upplagd av
2:58 PM
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