My first visit there, second or even third for some of my guildies, no boss down ever.
Hmm, cool Indiana Jonesy-feel about the place, was humming to myself the characteristic theme song from the movies. And who do I bump into? None other than Harrison Jones, who wanted our help banging a gong to open the wooden gates. And of course we happily obliged :-)
As we fought and oops – I died and fought and wtf! – I died and fought again on our way to the first boss several notes of interest turned up.
Interesting note 1: You can’t mount up on the stairs (apparently stairs are not considered to be outdoors, no matter how much open sky you have above your head) but you can mount once you get off the stairs.
Interesting note 2: The trolls can be mind controlled, frost trapped and sheeped, although the MC and traps broke sometimes after just a few seconds for no apparent reason – needs researching as to why.
Interesting note 3: The beasts can be frost trapped, sheeped and sleeped, and it can be all this at the same time! This we discovered on the last pack before the first boss when one of the beasts somehow got loose and stomped towards our bunched up raid of two-or-three-shottable but very fast reacting healers and dps’ers.
Interesting note 4: The beasts sometimes apply a debuff called Crushing Armor (I think) to the tank which reduces your armor by 10 k for the debuff’s duration! I was pretty glad I still had 13 k armor left when that debuff hit me. If you are not a thick-hided dodgy bear like me yell out loud when the debuff hit you so your healers won’t miss it.
Interesting note 5: And if that nasty armor debuff wasn’t enough, the beasts also roars deafeningly on occasion, increasing their damage output by 25 %!
After a few wipes (well now I tell a lie again, it was more than a few…or maybe I don’t tell a lie? How many is a few? More than one, obviously, but is it five? Ten? Hmm, think I must research this matter more thoroughly…
On a similar key, one of our raiders went afk yesterday saying ’brb 1 sec’. Of course he was away more than 1 second, and his attempt at explaining his very long 1 second by claiming he was so fast he was experiencing time dilation so that 1 second for him probably was more than that for us was not recieved favorably by the rest of us. The next time he went afk he hedged his bets by saing ’brb, several seconds’. Naturally one of us timed him, and he was gone for a little more than a minute (hmm gone in 60 seconds?), which some of us found a little too much to fit in the ’several seconds’ time frame. But how many seconds is several actually? Oh well, back to the topic at hand after this lengthy off-on-a-tangeting…)
I start again:
After a few wipes we got some tactics for the boss friends pulls down (since the boss himself was such a chicken he always ran away when we had killed his compadres).
The two mounted trolls in the middle of the stairs (cross and skull).
One tank on each, nuke the skull til he dismounts at about 15%. Sheep his beast, kill the skull and start nuking the cross. Kill the cross first when he dismounts, his beast second and then go for the sheeped beast.
The four-pack in front of the troll boss’s last runaway hideyhole (top of his terrace).
One tank on one of the mounted trolls (cross), sheep one of the unmounted trolls (moon), MC the other pedestrian troll (green) and use it to attack the last mounted troll (skull). Go easy on the dps on the skull first to let the MC’d troll get aggro and use him as tank when you kill the skull. Have a tank of your own ready to pick up the mount when the skull troll dismounts, kill the skull fast, the mount second and the MC’d troll third. Cross troll and mount next, sheeped troll last. Easy as pie ;P
And so the boss, nowhere left for him to run....
Not really a tricky fight, just get the taunts right and its not that bad a fight. Get the taunts wrong and its a wipe for sure. Make sure that you are below the tanking tanks threat but above all else’s – that is the tricky part when the threat levels start to come close to each other, one unlucky crit will too easily make the boss switch attention. So we spent a few tries getting the hang of it and it was with real sweaty fingers (on my part at least) that we downed him!
And the sweet troll boss dropped [Bladeangel’s Money Belt ] for me!
Real nice of him!
And since Zul'Aman resets every 3 days I see us going back there a lot to kill off Nalorakk and the rest of his friends many many times :-)
Friday, November 30, 2007
First go for Nalorakk
Upplagd av
2:54 PM
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